Overcoming Trauma

You have experienced events that were extremely distressing or even life threatening. This has changed your life in so many ways that sometimes you do not even feel like yourself anymore.

Healing from Trauma

What is trauma?

Trauma is the experience of distress you feel after enduring an emotionally harmful or life threatening event or series of events.

Maybe you endured years of relational trauma or emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. Maybe you grew up in an unstable or chaotic environment, you couldn’t rely on your parents, or a family member struggled with substance abuse that left you feeling unsure of what to expect next.

Traumatic events are never your fault, but now you are left with having to be the one to heal from these experiences. You should not have to do that alone! If you have been impacted by traumatic events, I would love to help you form a life after trauma that feels fulfilling.

How do traumatic events impact us?

Sometimes it feels as if you relive the traumatic event over and over or the memory keeps popping in to your head at the worst times. Its hard to concentrate, stay present in your moment, or enjoy events.

It is hard to relax, you feel as if you are constantly on guard, and fear you are not safe. Waking up is difficult and your day is sometimes filled with anxiety and sadness.

You blame yourself for things that were not your fault. You criticize yourself and your choices.

It seems like others do not understand and it’s really hard to connect with them or trust anyone. You may even feel like a burden at times.

Trauma changes the way you feel about yourself, others, and the world. You may struggle with feeling as if something is wrong with you. You may believe you are “unlovable.” You may think “the world is not safe.”

If any of this sounds similar to your experiences, you would likely benefit from trauma specific treatment.

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.
— Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

How do I heal?

Healing from trauma is possible! I have been extensively trained in trauma- focused therapy, and I want to help you begin the process. Reach out to me by clicking the scheduling button below.

Treatment for trauma consists of retraining the brain. Our brain learns to activate our fight or flight response quickly after we endure traumatic events. This is helpful and necessary during the distressing event, but it is no longer helpful! Now, this overactive system goes off as a false alarm. We need to train the brain to recognize when we are safe and switch into relaxation.

Traumatic events change the way we view our sense of safety, trust, intimacy, esteem, and power/control of our lives. We can identify these beliefs and thoughts that keep you stuck and begin to reprocess the events you have endured.

Resources for Overcoming Trauma

mental health provider, counselor, therapist in Lodi, California

“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do.”

- Brené Brown